Tel Dor Excavation Project

Tel Dor office
Institute of Archaeology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus 91950
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel. +972 (0)2 5881304

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Major areas of research




End of Late Bronze Age Ilan Sharon, Ayelet Gilboa
Iron Age Chronology Ilan Sharon, Ayelet Gilboa
Sea People Ilan Sharon, Ayelet Gilboa
Phoenicians Ilan Sharon, Ayelet Gilboa
Hellenization of the East Becky Martin
Romanization Jessica Nitzsche
Imagery on the Coins of Dor Rosa Motta
Computerized Artifact Analysis Avshalom Karasik, Talia Neuman
D.o.R. System Ilan Shimshoni, Ayelet Gilboa
Ceramic Fabric and Technology Analysis (FANTAST) Paula Waiman Barak
Archaeozoology   Lidar Sapir Hen
Sediments   Ruti Shachak Gross