Talia Neuman-Goldman received her B.A. in Archaeology and Egyptology and her M.A. degree in Prehistory at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Currently is doing her Ph.D. research in the Weizmann Institute of Science.
She has excavated at Tel Dor in 1996, 2000, and from 2003 onwards; has been Prof. Ephraim Stern's research assistant since 1999. She
also participated in various prehistoric excavations in Israel (Middle
Paleolithic cave of Hayonim, Natufian cave of Hilazon), and Europe
(Middle-Paleolithic cave of Kalamakia in Greece, Lower-Paleolithic site
of Isernia in Italy). In 2001 she supervised archaeological excavations
in AL894 in the Lower Pleistocene site of Hadar in Ethiopia.