Tel Dor Excavation Project

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Francesco Berna

Francesco Berna received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Universita' di Firenze, Italy. He is currently an European Union Marie Curie Fellow currently visiting with Prof. Paul Goldberg at the Micromorphology Lab - Boston University. His research pertains several aspects of old world archeology including:

His research focuses on the use of space in living areas, the reconstruction of past pyro-technologies and other human activities, and more generally on site formation processes. Francesco is specializing on in situ analysis of artifacts, undisturbed features (e.g. floors, hearths, furnaces, building materials etc.) and anthropogenic sediments processed into thin sections. Great deal of his research implies experimenting and preparing reference samples for the use of micro-spectroscopic techniques (e.g. Infrared and Raman microspectroscopy).


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