Tel Dor Excavation Project

Tel Dor office
Institute of Archaeology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus 91950
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel. +972 (0)2 5881304

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Prof. U. Smilansky

Uzy Smilansky

Uzy Smilansky graduated from the Hebrew University with an M.Sc. in Physics (1964). In 1969 received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the Feinberg School (The Weizmann Institute). (1974-1979) Associate Professor at the Weizmann Institute and Professor since 1979. 1982-85 - Head of the department of Nuclear Physics, (1993-2002) Director of the Minerva Center for non-linear physics (Weizmann Inst.-Technion). (2003-present) Director of the Einstein Center for Theoretical Physics.

Awards and honors: The John F. Kennedy Memorial Scholarship of the Feinberg Graduate School (1968). The Michael Landau Prize (1976). Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship Award, Bristol University, England (1990). The L. Meitner - A. von Humboldt Award (1998). Recipient of the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (1998). Since 2000 elected member of the Leopoldina Academy, Germany. Published more than 170 articles in physics - since 1985 - mostly on quantum chaos and related topics.

Since 2001 active in the application of mathematical and computational methods in Archaeology (Archaeomath), mostly in problems of contour analysis as applied to typology and classification of ceramic and lithic artifacts, in collaboration with the Dor team.


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