Dor 2010 Preliminary Report
During late June–Early August 2010, the twenty-ninth season of excavations was conducted at Tel Dor (License No. G-49/2010). The excavations were conducted on behalf of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Haifa, in collaboration with the University of Washington, Seattle (a group headed by Sarah Culpepper Stroup), and the University of St. Joseph, Philadelphia (a group headed by Elizabeth Bloch-Smith). The excavations are carried out under the auspices of the Israel Exploration Society, and were funded by the Berman Center for Biblical Archaeology, the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa, the University of Washington and anonymous donors. Additional activities at the site were supported by the Israel Science Foundation and the White-Levy Program for Archaeological Publications.
The excavations were directed by I. Sharon (Hebrew University) and A. Gilboa (University of Haifa), with the following staff: Area supervisors: Elizabeth Bloch-Smith (D2), Susan Rebecca Martin, Jessica Nitschke, Sarah Culpepper Stroup (D4), Bronwen Manning- Rozenblum, Yiftah Shalev (D5); Unit supervisors: Samuel Madison, Abram Goodstein (D2); Henry Sheedy Burden, Trevor Layman, Sivan Moore, Peder Thomas Teigen, Kyle LeRoy Vormstrand (D4); Recorders: Kristina Johnson (D2), Trevor Layman; Millicent Haase (D4), Yuli Gekht (D5); Assistant Recorders: Sarah Firth (D2). Field Drawing and surveying: Sveta Matskevich; Photographer: Lara Brucker; Registration and finds processing: Paula Barak, Barak Monickendam-Givon; Conservation: Ravit Linn and Roee Shafir; Administration: Assaf Bar-Hadas. Pottery restoration: Roee Shafir; Artifact drawing: Vered Rosen and Haya Kaftori. The excavators were mostly overseas students and volunteers, and a group of students from the University of Haifa. Conservation was done with the aid of graduate students of the Faculty of Architecture in the Technion, Haifa, in the framework ofa course in architectural conservation. The expedition was lodged in the Kfar Galim Youth Village, and was assisted by the staff of the Mizgaga museum at Kibbutz Nahsolim and by members of the Kibbutz.
Excavations in 2010 were conducted in the same three sub-areas in the southwest part of the mound excavated in previous seasons. Remains uncovered span the Iron Age I, Iron Age II, Persian, Hellenistic and Roman periods. The chronological terminology used below for the Iron Age is that employed in the Tel Dor publications.

Figure 1: Areas excavated in 2010 (in yellow).
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