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Documenting Finds using 3D Scanner

3D images are produced using ®Polygon Technology "QTSculptor" system for 3D scanning.

The equipment is owned by the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at Haifa University, purchased with the support of the Israel Science Foundation and the Weizmann Institute of Science, and operated by Tali Goldman and Avshalom Karasik.


  1. Download a model file: click on the file name, select [Save file as...] option, and save the file on your machine.
  2. If the file is in ZIP format, unzip it. If you are working in Windows: double click on the ZIP file, in the opened window the archived folder will appear. On the right panel of this window select [Extract all files] option; follow the instructions of the Windows Extraction Wizard and extract all files into one folder.
  3. Download the viewer software VRML View. It does not require installation, and can be saved in any place on your computer (on the desktop for example).
  4. Open VRML View and load the model: in the upper toolbar go to [File] --> [Open Model...], select downloaded model file and click [OK]. If you downloaded a ZIP file, go to the folder where you extracted the files and select file with ".wrl" extension.
  5. It takes normally some seconds to load the model. In the lower left corner of the viewer window you can see the loading process status.
  6. When the model is loaded, on the upper toolbar go the the [View] menu and make sure that the Filled and Texture (if enabled) options are selected (checkmark appears).


VRML View - download vrmlview.exe (2.4MB)

Model Files

Object Files Date added
Nubian Figurine Head (14.7MB) 28/12/2006
Sherds 1 (7.5MB) 21/02/2006
Sherds 2 (2.1MB) 21/02/2006
Figurine Head (7.1MB) 06/09/2006
Conoid seal (14MB) 06/09/2006
Coin coin2.wrl (8.3MB) 21/02/2006
Scarab scarab_2007.wrl (7.7MB) 28/01/2007
Tetradrachm tetradrachm.wrl (16MB) 16/04/2007
Phoenician Bichrome jug (10.2MB) 16/04/2007
Lamp (8.3MB) 16/04/2007

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