Tel Dor Excavation Project

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Tel Dor 2010

6. Juli - 12. August

Bitte beachten: Dieser Formular nur für Anmeldung mit H. Larissa Gerstner Gruppe gültig ist! Siehe andere Optionen da.

Folgende Optionen stehen zur Verfügung:


1. Persönliche Daten

Herr Frau
Name: *
Adresse: *
Email: *
Reisepass-Nr.: *
Krankenversicherungs-Nr.: *
Andere Fähigkeiten:
  Keine Einige Viele Professionell
Archaeologisches/Architektonisches Zeichnen
Architektonische Konservierung/Erhaltung/verwandte Fähigkeiten
Andere Fähigkeiten / Kommentare:

Alle Volontäre werden mit allen archaeologischen Tätigkeiten konfrontiert, aber Ihren bevorzugten Tätigkeiten wird, soweit möglich, Beachtung geschenkt werden. Vermerken Sie bitte ihre bevorzugten Einsatzfelder

Harte körperliche Arbeit (mit der Spitzhacke, Abtransport von Erde...):
Kann ich nicht Weiß nicht wie, aber willig zu lernen gerne/bevorzugt
Leichte körperliche Arbeit (Feinarbeit auf der Ausgrabung, Putzen mit der Bürste/Besen...):
Kann ich nicht Weiß nicht wie, aber willig zu lernen gerne/bevorzugt
Aufnahme der Bestände im Feld oder Museum:
Kann ich nicht Weiß nicht wie, aber willig zu lernen gerne/bevorzugt
Arbeiten mit den Artefakten (Säubern, inventarisieren, konservieren...):
Kann ich nicht Weiß nicht wie, aber willig zu lernen gerne/bevorzugt
Konservierung im Feld:
Kann ich nicht Weiß nicht wie, aber willig zu lernen gerne/bevorzugt
Zusätzliche Information:
Ganze Saison
1. Halbe Saison (6. Juli - 23. Juli)
2. Halbe Saison (25. Juli - 12. August)

Voraussichtliche Ankunft  /

Voraussichtliche Abreise:  /


Ganze Kampagne: 2400 EURO

Halbe Kampagne: 1500 EURO

Special Preisreduzierungen für folgende Gruppen:

  • Studenten (Archaeologie oder verwandte Fächer)
  • Tel Dor-Rückkehrer
  • Leute mit speziellen Fähigkeiten

Falls Sie in eine der oben beschriebenen Gruppen gehören, schicken Sie uns eine e-mail.

Registration Fees

Bitte senden Sie einen Check über 100 Euro an:

Tel Dor Project
Institute of Archaeology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus
Jerusalem 91905

auszuzahlen an


Ihre Anmeldung wird bearbeitet und die Bestätigung wird Ihnen zurückgeschickt nach Erhalt der Anzahlung.

2. Information für gemeldete Volontäre (auf Englisch)

Below is further information relating to your registration, payment schedules, and conditions for participation. Your registration will be emailed when you press 'I accept'.

1. Your Balance and Your Volunteer Manual
The balance of your contribution is due by May 15. We will send you a volunteer manual that provides detailed information about Israel, Tel Dor, our excavation goals and techniques, and practical help as to what you should bring, local conditions, and so on.

2. Manner of payment

All checks, money orders, etc. should be made out to:
"The ISRAEL EXPLORATION SOCIETY - The Renewed Tel Dor Project"
And sent care of:

Barak Monnickendam-Givon / Bronwen Manning Rozenblum
Tel Dor project
Institute of Archaeology
Hebrew University
Jerusalem 91905 ISRAEL

Electronic money transfers may be made to:
5 Avida St. Jerusalem 94268 ISRAEL
Account# 100497 Bank HaPoalim Branch #690
16 King George V St. Jerusalem 94229 ISRAEL

If you transfer money electronically, please obtain a tracking number, notify us by email or fax, and await confirmation.

3. Schedule of payments and refund policy
On May 15 we commit accommodations, as well as hire staff according to the number of volunteers then registered. After that date we are subject to cancellation fees. Therefore:
  1. If the balance of your payment has not been received by that date, your registration is void. Re-registering will depend on available place, and may cost more.
  2. Our refund policy is:

    If for any reason we are forced to cancel your participation, you will receive a full refund.

    If you withdraw from the expedition before June 15, you will receive a full refund less 100 Euro for our expenses.

    If you withdraw from the expedition after this date, but before the agreed date of your arrival at Dor, you will receive a 50% refund.

    If you do not show up for the excavation as agreed without prior notice, or decide to withdraw after your arrival, we regret that no refunds can be given.

In twenty-five years of excavation at Dor, and thousands of volunteers that have past through, there have been only a few cases where we were forced to expel a volunteer. Such cases may include deliberate miss-representation in your registration, chronic absenteeism or lateness, unjustified refusal to participate in dig-related activities, and illegal (under Israeli law), unusually offensive, or dangerous (to self or others) behavior. In case of expulsion, you will not be entitled to a refund.

4. Conditions of Participation
We must now remind you of certain conditions of your participation in the dig, and of some arrangements that you must decide whether or not to make:
  1. Participation. The success of an archaeological dig depends upon fulltime participation by every team member. By joining us and sending us your final balance you commit yourself to excavating fulltime on the site and to participating fulltime in all required or requested off-site tasks (such as pottery washing, registration, data input, and so on, as explained on our web-site), each and every working day for the entire period of your enrollment.
  2. As a volunteer member of a research project of the universities in the Dor consortium, you are expected to maintain a standard of conduct consistent with these institutions. You will receive, in your introductory packet and in the field, detailed instructions regarding safety rules, dig regulations and work ethics - on site, offsite, and while traveling in Israel. You must abide by these rules. You must also observe and respect the customs of the host country, Israel.
  3. Our safety record to date has been outstanding. We are not digging near any frontiers, disputed zones, or other actual or potential terrorist target areas. In case of accident and/or sickness there are readily available medical facilities within about a dozen miles from the site. Nevertheless, certain exposures to risk may occur. These exposures include but are not limited to: accidents while traveling on the ground, in the sea and in the air; the forces of nature; war and terrorist action; and hazards of field archaeology such as deep pits, wall or balk collapse; use and misuse of tools and equipment; and so on. Please be advised that by undertaking to volunteer for the Dor excavation you understand and appreciate these and other inherent risks, you voluntarily agree to take them, and you agree not sue the Dor consortium, any of its staff, or its sponsoring institutions in case of accident or mishap. It is up to you to make sure you are adequately insured against any such eventuality.
  4. Personal accident-medical insurance. You must obtain this for your entire trip, for the participating universities assume no responsibility for emergency transportation, medical, or hospitalization costs resulting from illness or accident before, during, or after the excavation season. You must send us proof by May 15 that you have obtained such insurance, or your participation in the Expedition will be subject to cancellation. (Check with your medical plan, if you have one. Many plans reimburse medical expenses unavoidably incurred overseas; if yours does not, or if you currently have no medical insurance, relatively inexpensive travel-accident insurance packages are obtainable from most travel agents.)
  5. Baggage, valuables, trip cancellation, and flight insurance may also interest you and, if so, you should arrange them independently; again, they are usually included in the travel-accident insurance packages obtainable from travel agents. Please note that both the excavation and the resort are located near a public beach. We will not be responsible for theft or damage to personal effects or valuables not deposited in the hotel safe.

3. Ausschreibung

Ich versichere hiermit, daß ich eine Kranken-, Unfall- und Haftpflichtversicherung habe, die in Israel gültig ist. Durch meinen Arzt ist mir bestätigt, daß ich gesundheitlich fit bin und den Strapazen körperlicher Arbeit in einem heißen Klima gewachsen. Ich bin mir bewußt, daß, falls die oben gemachten Aussagen unwahr sind, ich keinen Anspruch auf Entschädigung durch die Ausgrabung, die die Ausgrabung unterstützenden Institutionen oder eines ihrer Mitglieder habe.

Ich akzeptiere Ich akzeptiere nicht