Tel Dor Excavation Project

Tel Dor office
Institute of Archaeology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus 91950
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel. +972 (0)2 5881304

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R. Shachak-Gross

Weizmann Institute of Science

completed her B.Sc (1991) and M.Sc. (1995) in the department of Geology at the Hebrew University, and then earned an MA (1998) and a Ph.D. (2002) in Anthropological Archaeology at Washington University in St. Louis. She is currently doing post-doctorate work at the Kimmel Center of Archaeological Science at the Weizmann Institute and is a lecturer of archaeological science at Bar Ilan University.

Dr. Shachak-Gross has done fieldwork in Israel (Jordan Valley, Hayonim Cave, Negev, Tel Dor, and more), Kenya (ethnoarchaeological fieldwork with Kisongo Maasai) and USA (Cahokia Mounds, IL). Her research-interest is site-formation processes, a subject on which she has written several journal articles and was awarded research-grants from the USA National Science Foundation (1999), and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (2000).

She conducts micro-morphological analyses on cross-sections of floors and fill-deposits to determine depositional processes and function of architectural spaces at Dor.
